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Full Version: One fact about yourself.
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This is a rather simple game, I will start off by telling you one fact about myself, however, I cannot tell another until someone else has posted a fact about themselves. 

For example:

Me: I love ketchup
User: I love peanut butter 
Me: I'm a movie buff
User: I own a PC

My fact: I used to have a YouTube channel.


I can touch the tip of my tongue to the tip of my nose xD
I can play the piano. A little.


I am a published writer.
I own a signed vinyl of Twisted Sister.
Math is really easy for me
I'm a nerd when it comes to Harry Potter.


i have weird pinky toes. or so some people think xD
I can sneeze without opening my mouth.


(05-26-2017, 05:40 AM)Sir Twisted Wrote: [ -> ]I can sneeze without opening my mouth.

how on earth.. I want to try that.
When i was a baby, I swallowed a tiny magnet.
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