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Full Version: Do you watch Wrestling?
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Have you ever watched wrestling? WWE perhaps, TNA? If so, who is your favorite wrestler? what is your favorite finisher? Is there a certain time period in wrestling you enjoyed the most? 

For myself, I did watch wrestling when I was younger. I remember watching TNA, in fact the very first episode I watched was 30 minutes into an episode of Mr. Anderson yelling at the referee Earl Hebner.
I haven't watched it much lately.  When my hubby and I first got together, I watched it all the time.  But my hubby and I haven't watched it in recent years.  I don't remember exactly when we fell off the band wagon. 

Anyway, we watched WWE.  My favorite of all time is Andre the Giant but if I have to pick someone from the current roster then I'd have to go with Undertaker.  However, I don't think the Undertaker wrestles much anymore, just at pay-per-views mostly.  He's just about retired.
I used to watch TNA - I tried watching the new version, but I don't like it
Also used to watch NXT but no longer have the subscription to watch it.
AEW is going to be shown on tv here so I may watch that. 
But any wrestling I see now is live.  WAW is a local promotion here, been to a few of they're shows.  Very good promotion.  WWE's Paige is the daughter of the family that run it.
(05-26-2019, 01:12 PM)Fenrir Wrote: [ -> ]I used to watch TNA - I tried watching the new version, but I don't like it
Also used to watch NXT but no longer have the subscription to watch it.
AEW is going to be shown on tv here so I may watch that. 
But any wrestling I see now is live.  WAW is a local promotion here, been to a few of they're shows.  Very good promotion.  WWE's Paige is the daughter of the family that run it.

I'm pretty much the same with TNA I used to watch all the old school Bully Ray and Sting especially when the aces and eights came but just lost interest.
I remember the first ever show.  I followed them from day 1 until when they rebranded to impact wrestling. Most of the best wrestlers had gone by that point.
Have you ever watched professional wrestling? TNA, maybe, WWE? In that case, which wrestler is your favorite? OysterVPN Which finisher is your favorite? Was there a particular era of wrestling that you particularly liked? ESPN in UK