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Full Version: Dark or light theme?
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When it comes to browsing a forum/website what is your preference of theme color? Would it be light? or dark? what color combinations do you like to see for themes also? such as blue and white, red and black, maybe even gradient colors. I personally have no preference as I can browse and use any website regardless of its color scheme.


I prefer darker themes or cool and neutral colours like the themes of this forum. Extreme colours either too light or too dark hurt my eyes. It should be somewhere in the middle. Blue is scientifically a calming colour whilst orange and such are just angry irritating colours and i think those facts should be considered when choosing themes
I like dark themes a ton more than bright as I find that bright colours strain my eyes after a few hours. For some reason most web developers seem to like making websites that look “shiny” rather than ones that are practical.
It all depends, I like both light and dark. Depends on the type of website I guess.
Sometimes, it depends on what type of site it is.  Example.....if you have a forum where the niche` is discussing horror movies, then it will look better to have a dark theme on the forum.  There are some sites that will just look better with a dark theme and some sites will look better with a light theme. 

As far as me personally, I don't really have a preference.  As long as I can read everything clearly, then I can hang with it.
It depends on my mood, at night time i need dark themes and during day time i use light themes.
It's interesting to see everyone's preferences. I would say that majority prefer both.
(04-17-2017, 03:29 PM)Sir Twisted Wrote: [ -> ]When it comes to browsing a forum/website what is your preference of theme color? Would it be light? or dark? what color combinations do you like to see for themes also? such as blue and white, red and black, maybe even gradient colors. I personally have no preference as I can browse and use any website regardless of its color scheme.

My preference is a darker themed background. 

Browsing around a darker themed website for long periods of time is easier on the eyes. 

Blinding white backgrounds strains the eyes and makes my eyes tired quicker.

However, I hate it when it becomes "gothic" like in terms of coloring... like... dark gray against a black background. 
How can anyone really see in that kind of color combination?

There needs to be common sense when it comes to doing color themes.

Like my forum based website, it's purple on top of a dark gray background. Most of the font colors are slightly darker than the blinding white font color.

I have given users 2 options for choosing which theme they want to use on my website.
There's just something about dark themes on forums that I love. In terms of websites, it depends on the niche. Personally I think that lighter themes suit sites a bit more and darker themes suit forums a bit more.
I prefer light forums, but I can see the majority prefers dark. To me a light forum is just cleaner and easier to navigate. I think every forum should offer options.
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