Forum Authority

Full Version: Hard about a forum?
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From past experience (owned a popular forum called JustExpose & another general forum), it's the promotional side of the forum to gain new members, and then to keep them active and visit on a regular basis, I held a dozen competitions for cash prizes and forum prizes, installed new modifications such as an arcade & chatbox etc, had a low number of mods & admins.

The forums were mainly based around people my age (which at the time was teenagers), so we implemented an infraction system, 3 infractions bans you for 24hrs, 5 bans you for 72hrs and restricted perms for a week, 7 points is a week ban, 10 is a month and so fourth.

 On top of that, you need to some how bring in enough people buying upgradable items that it covers your hosting bills, in in time, hopefully bring in some profit.. it's a big task.
There are a lot of very active forums that use phpBB with the default theme. I don’t know how they pull it off, but it sure works for a lot of forums. 

I don’t even know how people manage to make money on forums anymore. I tried multiple times to get ads on mine and was denied. Heck, Adsense approved me for a run of the mill Ajax chat host that I did years back, but a forum is apparently a no go. 

forums just aren’t money makers anymore. I’ve long thought about using paid software, but MyBB is a happy medium and it’s easy to customize. Can’t beat it if it’s working well.
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