Forum Authority

Full Version: {Important news} Forum Authority Email issues
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Greetings users.

It's come to our attention that many users that post on our forum are currently experiencing issues with our emails originating from this site. This means, in short, that users trying to reset their passwords are currently experiencing issues whereby they are not receiving emails. This is the same for new registrations.

We apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused, rest assured our technical staff are working hard on this issue now. I will update this thread once we reach a state at which we are confident that the email server has been rectified of problems.

Once again, apologies for the issues,
and thank you for your understanding!

Keep posting, Keep smiling,
Forum Authority.
I am pleased to announce that our email service is now back to full operation.
Users who need to confirm their account can hit "Resend confirmation" and users who lost their password can request a new one once more.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and should you need any assistance please feel free to PM myself.