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Here is my desktop

[Image: 33ymc2f.jpg]
I have so many... mine is on a constant rotate... but the reoccurring theme is mainly dragons....
(12-14-2016, 10:43 AM)Telmarin Wrote: [ -> ]I have so many... mine is on a constant rotate... but the reoccurring theme is mainly dragons....

I'm literally the same! I have a folder dedicated to Twisted Sister desktop images, they are on a current cycle.
(12-13-2016, 05:41 PM)ArcticWolf Wrote: [ -> ]Here is my desktop

[Image: 33ymc2f.jpg]
Haha love the steam running in the background.... my screen shot would have that as well!
Simple, post a screenshot of your desktop. :)

[Image: 31716eda0d254ccd8a57ca18427b05e1.png]
My main desktop (Windows 10 Pro):
[Image: G2p1.png]
Why you got TOR, my friend?  Wondering
[Image: kuds1.jpg]
Fairly new laptop & I'm also very minimalistic. Most of my stuff's stored on my server so its saves space on my Laptops/PC's 

[Image: 4be57ea5da9bfd11603bafcea01ef204.png]
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