Forum Authority

Full Version: Goodbye..
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I would just like to say to the community. After long consideration and deliberation I have came to the conclusion that I feel is necessary for the next steps in the community and hopefully everyone will come to a mutual agreement with me on what is going to be said. The conclusion is that, it deepens me with great sadness to say goodbye. Goodbye to my continous  procrastination and laziness, hello to my new investment to the community and bringing it back to the light and hopefully you will join me along the way.

Happy April fools :)
Oh Jesus, I got scared there. Alrighty! Goodbye laziness, hello Sir!
(04-01-2020, 09:49 PM)Tagobs Wrote: [ -> ]Oh Jesus, I got scared there. Alrighty! Goodbye laziness, hello Sir!

That's the attitude! :)