Forum Authority

Full Version: Future of advertisement.
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Evening everyone.

Upon contemplation I have took it upon myself to implement the removal of all advertisement privileges from regular users within the community.

I made this decision after carefully considering the amount of activity we have on the forum currently and unfortunately it is underwhelming. Instead of a user advertising their service or website on the community and driving potential traffic elsewhere, we have to engage as much activity into the community now as possible. The restriction may be lifted in the future when the forum is once again gaining some recognition and activity, however, for the time being this will not be lifted anytime soon. 

As of today I will be removing any potential redirecting links, text, images from individuals threads, posts, profiles, signatures and profile fields. If you have created a thread showcasing for example, web design or graphic design you have done for a website, this may remain depending if you have shown the websites url. 

In the meantime there will be other ways to advertise within the community. You can do this by purchasing an advertisement thread sticky product in the credit shop, you can also advertise your service in my signature (if you get in touch with me to arrange this) and you can also purchase banner space on the forum index. (get in touch) 

I truly appreciate your understanding and consideration during this time period and I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to some users on the community, however, I'm only doing this for the benefit of the community and hopefully out of this we can once again become full of activity. 

It might not be the best news for some of the community members, but it's understandable. The priority right now has to be increasing the activity here, not opening up for members migrating elsewhere.
(04-04-2020, 10:00 PM)Tagobs Wrote: [ -> ]It might not be the best news for some of the community members, but it's understandable. The priority right now has to be increasing the activity here, not opening up for members migrating elsewhere.

Precisely. Hopefully in the future, we can open this up again for users, but for the time being, the forum requires this.
Honestly, makes sense. 
Hopefully once the activity increases again we can open this up as mentioned before ;)
I completely understand this and hopefully in doing so it helps the forum out. Will be good to see it full of people.