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I was wondering what's everyone's thoughts on magicians. I quite like magic tricks and when done right, the illusions can be really interesting. I also really love the movie, Now you see me.
I quite like magic, if of course it is done correct. But it's also funny to see magician fails.
Yeah they say magicians are never supposed to reveal their tricks. Criss Angel isn't that bad but most of the stuff on TV appears fake to me. Of course none of it's real but what I mean is it seems like audiences are just pretending for some of the bigger stunts. I'd have to meet him in person before I had my view on whether or not he was that talented. Though regardless he's definitely one of the best magicians alive. Just hard to believe he could actually walk on water with an illusion without someone else noticing something odd going on.

Regardless many magicians do what they do just to put a smile on someones face. No matter how fake, you got to respect that.