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Full Version: Ask the Berry
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Ask away, I have almost nothing to hide. I won't answer identity theft type questions, mind you, but pretty much anything else I'm an open book.
So if I want to know your card number, expiry date and CCV-code, you won't answer? Envy

What's your favourite meal?
That sounds so nice!

Do you play any game consoles?
I do, though I don't have easy access to them right now and mostly play handheld and PC games.
It's exterior is made of red brick and mortar, the inside is basically white plaster.
(04-18-2020, 02:15 PM)Juneberry Wrote: [ -> ]It's exterior is made of red brick and mortar, the inside is basically white plaster.

Olala, I love red bricks!

Do you have a lot of indoor plants?
What's your favourite amusement Park.
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