Forum Authority

Full Version: Forum Authority - News 15/12/15
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Dear users of Forum Authority!

I'm happy to announce big changes have come and are also ahead, these past few weeks I have been working on a better improved Forum Authority unfortunately with the sacrifice of the Xenforo software, for a number of reasons. As of today ( 15/12/15 ) Forum Authority will be powered using the Mybb software, now a lot has changed with this update, but for people that have been a member in the last few months you will be aware of the previous Mybb functions as nothing has changed on that end. There are some sacrifices with features also, as of the moment statuses and trophies and some other features are not available, but I assure you over the coming weeks I will be implementing a variety of new features, updating and customizing the theme also. I ask everyone to bear with me until the Forum has fully developed. I'd like to thank each and every one of you for your understanding and continuous support. 

Bugs and glitches
Now with this change there is expected to be some bugs and glitches. If you notice any please contact a member of staff and we will get onto fixing it immediately.

We are now hiring! 
If you would like to Join the Forum Authority team please get in touch with me. See below for the current positions available. 

( 1 ) Staff member ( 2 ) Forum moderators ( 1 ) Graphics designer ( 1 ) Forum news

Features to come!
Here is a list of some of the features that will be added in the near future.
 * please note that the list below may be modified at any time. *

( Profile )

Awards tab ( An extra tab will be titled "Awards" next to "Information" on the user profiles, upon clicking a list of the users earned awards will be displayed. ) 

Profile banners ( Users will have the option to upload an image of there choice, the image will be displayed on the users profile and will be changeable through the user control panel. ) 

Improved tab content ( Upon clicking tabs, more information will appear * Feature shows depending on the information submitted by the user in the edit profile section * )

Possible restyled user block ( Possibly restyling of the block that holds the users avatar, username, title, etc... )

( User posts )

Post layout ( The posts will always be displayed in the classic mode, but may be slightly altered in the weeks to come. )

( Credit system

Credit shop ( A shop where you have the option to spend your forum cash ( Credits ) I will be implementing a variety of products, such as account upgrades, ability to change username, ability to change usertitle , awards etc... * normally these features are only available to upgraded or high ranking members, but with enough credits you can easily bag this for yourself. )

( General

Improved emoticons ( As you are aware the current emoticons are a little dated and bland, I plan to bring not only new and bright ones, but also custom Forum Authority ones. ) - in process 

Improved quick editor ( We all want more options when it comes to using the sceditor, just like when we post a thread or fully edit a post, but not when we quick edit or quick reply? Well no need to worry much longer, a plugin will be implemented very soon that lets you use the fully operational sceditor across the forum. ) - Completed 

Forum icons ( More improved icons will be added to the forums on the index page to better represent its category )  

Improved mood icons ( Now with option to upload a user mood, It displays how you're currently feeling on user posts and user profiles through an image , unfortunately at the moment they aren't very appealing, but I will get around to fixing that soon with all new ones. ) - in process 

Christmas theme ( Christmas is upon us and just like on Halloween we had a spooky vibe going on, But now it's going to be a jolly, festive one. )  

Password issues.
If you are experience any password issues, you may have to reset your password via email by clicking the "Lost Password?" button when signing in, If the issue is still occurring after the password reset please email us at [email protected] stating your username and issue, we will then send a private message to your account with a verification code which you should also receive an email of, send the code back to us and we will manually change your password sending you the new one via email.

* Note we advice everyone to have a strong password to prevent account hacking, your password should be something uncommon and contain an upper and lower case letter also including at least one number * 

If you are experiencing any problems or issues on site please let a member of staff know, we will do our best to assist you with any concern you may have. 

Most importantly a responsive theme will be in the works upon January 2016's  arrival, any contribution towards the forum will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding what has been mentioned here, feel free to let me know below. 

Thank you. 
Forum Authority.
More awards have been implemented. 
Index profile stats - "Likes" changed to "Posts liked"
Footer description updated. 
Footer links updated.
Thank you for this update.
I don't really like MyBB currently, with better open source software out there which is faster and better I'd not use it, but the responsive design is really required.
(12-17-2015, 07:26 PM)Oxyrus Wrote: [ -> ]I don't really like MyBB currently, with better open source software out there which is faster and better I'd not use it, but the responsive design is really required.

Interesting opinion on the software Oxyrus, might I suggest that you leave your opinion of forum softwares here: