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Full Version: What fast food restaurant do you prefer the most?
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This would be a tough one in my opinion, I'm not really a fan of McDonald's, there fries are ok, nothing special though and here in the UK nearly all meals are smaller than expected. If I had to pick a favorite it would be KFC, only because chicken happens to be my favorite food and I love crispy chicken.
If I had to have fast-food, I'd rather have Taco Bell. Its the least unhealthiest one.
I very rarely eat take-away to be honest, but if I had to then i'd pick my local Chinese, which might please you Naiwen! :)
Sushi restaurant
I eat fast food quite rarely. I haven't had McDonalds or Burger King in many years, but when I do have fast food it is usually Subway or a taco place popular around where I live.
Interesting to see that Fast Food is eaten so rarely by some of our members :)
(02-24-2016, 01:19 PM)katos Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting to see that Fast Food is eaten so rarely by some of our members :)

Indeed! I myself am among them. I rarely have fast food. But of course when I do the above mentioned is what I have. :)
(02-24-2016, 01:19 PM)katos Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting to see that Fast Food is eaten so rarely by some of our members :)

Yeah, I try to eat somewhat healthy. I really don't like most fast food, I honestly haven't even had a craving for a Big Mac or any other McDonald's burger since I stopped eating there.
(02-20-2016, 01:11 PM)katos Wrote: [ -> ]I very rarely eat take-away to be honest, but if I had to then i'd pick my local Chinese, which might please you Naiwen! :)

Hey, Chinese isn't fast-food!
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