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Im in love
Okay so i knew this girl for years we talked from like 9th grade to 10th stopped started talking again from 11th grade and stopped now its 12th grade and we started talking again and we hung out today and she is just amazing we put up these Christmas lights with me and we watched tv and i feel a connection with her but idk how she feels.. Ive always had a crush on her since 9th grade i am now a senior and weve hung out in the past but it was different this time shes amazing and i dont know if i should tell her and see what happends she seems like she somewhat likes me she calls me and stuff im just really thinking about her im not tryna seem like that kid who is like wow i love her but when she looks at me my eyes go into her eyes and i feel something but idk how she feels..
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Im in love - by Adventure - 12-02-2016, 02:48 AM