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Xenforo vs Vbulletin?
I like both of them. I've been on Xenforo and Vbulletin fora. I love them both. I think they're equals in quality and etc.
 [Image: Hello-Kitty-45-1.jpg]
VB used to be the number one forum software a few years back but I think they have lost that title to XenForo. Seriously, if you went to any forum about 5-8 years ago, all of the ones using paid software were on VB. Now it seems like the majority are on XF.
If I had to choose, then xenforo without a doubt. Bulletin is stuck in the past, and has far more security vulnerabilities than Xenforo does.
I'm looking into newer technologies such as plush, flarum, nodebb, etc atm though.
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