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Unwanted Attention from Men of all Ages!
I realized that I'm a beautiful woman, since I'm attracting a lot of men's attention, how to stop attracting unwanted attention? And I realized that often a man would look furtively my way, or just say : "You're hottie, you're a beautiful woman, I wanna have sex with you" and degenerate sexual things like that to me. I know I can't stop them from showing me attention, but I can't help but getting bothered by it, so my question is more : "how to not get bothered by an overload of men's (men in my case) attention?" Thanks for helping me solve this problem of mine. Its been there for a while. And I'm attracting men of all ages. For example, a 48 year-old black man in the subway once asked me if I were married, I answered : "none of your business".
 [Image: Hello-Kitty-45-1.jpg]
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