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[TechRadar] The first Xbox One and PS4 cross-play game just needs Sony's approval
The first Xbox One and PS4 cross-play game just needs Sony's approval

<img src="" alt="The first Xbox One and PS4 cross-play game just needs Sony's approval"/><p>The soccer-with-cars phenomenon <a href="">Rocket League</a> is one step away from being the first game ever to bridge multiplayer between <a href="">Xbox One</a> and <a href="">PS4</a> players.</p><p>The catch? Developer Psyonix needs to the ol' thumbs-up from Sony before it can go live.</p><p>We've known for while that Psyonix <a href="">had the know-how</a> to get the two consoles playing together, but now the concept is a reality - one that's just waiting for Sony higher-ups to pull the trigger.</p><p>Should cross-play get the necessary approval, Psyonix's Vice President Jeremy Dunham tells <a href="">IGN</a> that it could get the two consoles talking to each other in less than a day.</p><p>&quot;It'd literally take a few hours to propagate [cross-console play] throughout the whole world,&quot; says Dunham, &quot;so really, we're just waiting on the permission to do so.&quot;</p><h3>Rocket League United</h3><p>Currently, Rocket Leaguers on PS4 and Xbox One can each compete with PC players, <a href="">but not against each other</a>.</p><p>Earlier this year, Microsoft <a href="">showed an interest</a> in opening up the Xbox One to cross-network play with other consoles, which seems to indicate that the company has already given Psyonix its blessing. </p><p>&quot;We're still very confident that [Sony's] eventually going to open those doors and welcome us in, but we also are really understanding that it's going to take a while, especially given all the ramifications of everything,&quot; Dunham says.</p><p>Sony is open-minded to cross-console play as well, but has yet to take a firm stance, which is understandable, since opening up your online network to some other company's console isn't a decision one makes lightly. </p><p>We've asked Sony for comment, and will update as new information comes in.</p><ul><li><a href="">PS4.5 vs Xbox One S vs Nintendo NX: Know your upcoming consoles</a></li></ul><img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>
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