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Anime vs western Comics?
Which do you prefer and why? I love both of these genres equally.
 [Image: Hello-Kitty-45-1.jpg]
Modern comics and animation in the west have really managed to catch up with anime in a lot of ways, even surpass it in terms of animation quality and sometimes stories. The problem is, for every good West Animation, there are about 10 good anime. Though I do enjoy both sides, but I generally like the spiritual and philosophical focus of anime over the pure "going to learn you a life lesson" approach that west animation have going on.
(08-13-2016, 05:33 PM)Crovus Wrote: Modern comics and animation in the west have really managed to catch up with anime in a lot of ways, even surpass it in terms of animation quality and sometimes stories. The problem is, for every good West Animation, there are about 10 good anime. Though I do enjoy both sides, but I generally like the spiritual and philosophical focus of anime over the pure "going to learn you a life lesson" approach that west animation have going on.

Imo, I think they're both equal.
 [Image: Hello-Kitty-45-1.jpg]
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