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Sir Twisted
Glasses a fashion accessory ?
do you believe that glasses are becoming more of a fashion accessory rather than having prescription glasses?

"They are no longer associated with ironic geeks and girls in high-school movies pre-makeover – they have finally been accepted into mainstream, grownup style."

Read more here:
[Image: CeODU1G.gif]
I'm pretty blind without my glasses so I need to wear mine. lol  ...since I have to wear them anyway might as well get stylish ones!  Sure, it's like an accessory I can see why they'd consider it as such.
Designer glasses and changes to eyewear, including the introduction of "smart eyewear" are making glasses more of a fashion statement, yes.
And frankly, some people look far better with glasses than without.
"I'm a gamer, not because I don't have a life... But because I choose to have many"
[Image: CeODU1G.gif]
I wear mine only for computing, reading and etc. But for far-sightedness, I'm okay.
 [Image: Hello-Kitty-45-1.jpg]
Definitely, glasses function as a fashion accessory. And of course it does, I mean, it sits right there on your nose, so one can understand that people want them to look good. I have perfect sight, but sometimes (often when bored and waiting for a flight) I've gone to the optical store and tried some sexy glasses on, and I have to say that I really wish I needed a pair sometimes.
I would say so. Especially higher end sunglasses, such as rayban.
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