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Over 1 Million Facebook Users are using TOR to Login
[Image: apertura-facebook-tor.jpg]

Over one million people already use Facebook through a web browser, called  Tor or the “dark-net” that keeps in secret their identity and leaves no digital footprint. The software engineer Alec Muffet said that the number of Facebook users using Tor has doubled in less than a year and has reached 1 million.

However, the people who use Facebook over Tor likely do it in part to avoid the censorship of the site in their own countries, even if they may continue to use their real names. Others could also use Facebook either to promote a cause or to have conversations within certain groups while staying anonymous and not revealing their real names.

Facebook debuted in the dark network in 2014, creating a special address to access the site. Earlier this year, the company added support for Android users.

Facebook isn’t known as the most privacy-friendly company, but its adoption should make Tor more mainstream as a go-to tool for real privacy. This announcement shows that it may already be working.

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