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What are you going to do next?
I'm fixing to go have lunch with my hubby, then I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day off.
Eat and watch something
Eat something and then get ready for work
I'm just sitting down for a minute after being at work all day.  I'm trying to decide what to make for dinner before I go take a shower.
Going to take my night pills.
 [Image: Hello-Kitty-45-1.jpg]
I'm fixing to go take a shower here in a little bit after I've taken a minute to relax.
In about 5 minutes on my way to try and get some sleep to ensure I get 8 hours for work.
[Image: CeODU1G.gif]
Watch some tv and then get an early night
I'm going to go make up the bed and dry my hair, then I'm going to go back to watching tv.
Have my lunch. I'm starving.
 [Image: Hello-Kitty-45-1.jpg]
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