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Lucid Dreaming
Anyone have a good Lucid Dream to share? :)
I don't make dreams. I make reality.
I wish I could Lucid Dream. Sounds like a dope **** experience.
[Image: Untitled_1.png]
I use to practice lucid dreaming but nothing to really share. I didn't do it to picture abstract images or etc.
I save all my lucid dreams in a app, so i can read them later. writing down lucid dreams will increase our memory and concentration
Unfortunately not, I tend to forget most of my dreams or not even remember upon waking up.
[Image: CeODU1G.gif]
I have been having a lot of lucid dreams lately, mostly unpleasant ones (not nightmarish though) . i wake up and when i go back to sleep, they continue as if i hadn't woken up.
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