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The Titanfall Effect? UK Xbox One Sales Jump 96% In Release Week
Quote:[Image: pXodvlT.jpg]
The combined effect of a strategic price cut and the arrival of Respawn’s hugely promoted giant-robot multiplayer FPS Titanfall has pushed Xbox One sales in the UK up by 96% over the prior week, according to GFK Chart-Track statistics.

It’s a saw that software sells platforms. People choose Windows for Excel, and OS X for Keynote . And in the world of games consoles, the fight for exclusivity, in a market with relatively few truly banner titles, is fiercely conducted.

The UK, traditionally an Xbox bastion in contrast to Continental Europe, where Sony's PlayStation has traditionally been stronger, saw a muted version of the “PlayStation swing” in the early going of the battle of the consoles. Buoyed by a lower launch price and the after effects of Sony’s fairly comprehensive victory in the battle for hearts and minds during 2013′s E3 and the phony war it took place in, the PlayStation 4 has been reported as outselling the Xbox One in the UK by a factor of around 1.5 to 1, with 364,000 Xboxen One sold in 2013 against 530,000 PS4s.

Titanfall Xbox bundle

However, the console battle has always been a marathon rather than a sprint, and Microsoft MSFT +0.9%, even as the long-term future of the Xbox remains under scrutiny after the appointment of a new CEO and the imminent arrival of Stephen Elop at the head of the Devices division, have considerable form on coming from behind over the course of a 13-year battle with Sony for leadership of the high-end games console space.

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall was always going to be a strategic part of the Xbox One’s second assault on the beachhead – with a new game from the former principals of Infinity Ward providing arguably the first must-have platform (or, more precisely, provider, as it is available across Microsoft’s console portfolio) exclusive of the new generation from an independent studio.

Attach rates and platform exclusives

In the UK, the launch of Titanfall on March 14 – which also counts preorders – immediately pushed the title to no.1 on the all-formats sales chart. Naturally, Xbox 360 versions will account for a significant portion of those sales, which from Microsoft’s and EA’s persepective is no bad thing: money is money. However, 70% of Xbox One sales were made in conjunction with a download code for Titanfall, as part of the Titanfall bundle (Chart-track confirmed to Eurogamer that the download codes issued with the bundle count as sales for the purposes of their chart).

This can be compared to the 50% attachment rate of the original Halo in Xbox sales – although the two do not map completely, as both bundling and digital downloads for console games were when the Xbox launched in November 2001. This has nearly double sales of the platform, with a 96% increase in sales. It also means that EA currently have the two biggest UK titles of 2014, with Titanfall and Fifa 14 – but again the year is young.

After a relentless shellacking in the press over early console sales, this will be good news for Microsoft, although it may not map precisely to the larger US market – consoles are in general more expensive in the UK, and the 20% Value Added Tax means that price differentials are larger in real terms than in the US. So, the Titanfall bundle, available for £399 on tracks closely to the PlayStation 4 Infamous: Second Son bundle at £384.99 – a different of around $20 before tax.

One swallow does not a summer make, and Sony still leads Microsoft comfortably in UK and US sales. However, this can be seen as the first shot of the next stage of the battle, where high-profile games are thrown into the front lines. Another megarelease, Bungie’s Destiny, will be particularly interesting when and before it launches on September 9. Although Destiny is releasing for the current and previous generation consoles of both Sony and Microsoft, access to the Beta will be Sony-exclusive, and the effect this has on bundle sales in particular may be telling. The confirmation of Microsoft’s plans regarding their flagship Halo franchise, with rumors of an “anniversary” edition of Halo 2 this year and a full-fledged Halo game in 2015 unconfirmed by Microsoft, but no doubt likely to be far clearer at and after E3, will also be significant.

For Microsoft, this is useful feedback that can be brought back to their heartland: there are many, many consumers who will buy an Xbox One or a PlayStation 4 at some point in the life of the console, and many of those did not make a decision at launch. Platform exclusives will play a vital role in the long haul, as will canny marketing. Harvey Eagle’s Xbox UK marketing team have taken the momentum of Titanfall and used it to land a solid hit on a sales narrative Sony had been controlling.

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