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What would you do
What would you do if you owned apple and bought beats.
Keep them separate or combined?
I'm not sure what I'd do but I could see apple making beat exclusively for idevice, by using a different stranded headphone jack, which would be a much better quality. After a while they well allow other phones to use these slots, and beats well take off again. or something like this, how about you guys?
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If I owned Apple and bought Beats I would not do that! If I made beat exclusive for the idevice, I am 100% sure there will be tons of companies that will create their own version of 'beats' and make it available for all other phones. What will happen is I am not going to get as much money as I used to when beats was for all phones, because only idevices users are going to buy them. And since Android is 5 times larger than IOS by global sales, then whoever is buying beats will be considered 'few' to the amount of people that buy it now. What I would do is leave them separated, everyone is enjoying beats on all devices, and I am still running Apple like always.
Actually, I think it would be a better marketing strategy to make it compatible with as many different devices as possible. Not everyone owns Apple electronics. People may have devices similar to Apple products, but with a different company. If you made things exclusive to Apple, it doesn't guarantee that people will buy it; they may just resent the exclusivity and not buy the Beats out of spite. If you made it compatible to other electronics, you may even snag customers off of the other companies. They may like the Beats product so much that they search the company who owns it. That leads to discovering other products by that company.
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