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Battlefield 3 currently free on Origin
Battlefield 3 is currently free! Origin is giving it away until June 3rd! If you're a person who's interested in FPS-like games, I recommend downloading it!

[Image: Battlefield-3-Ships-10-Million-Units-Set...r-EA-2.jpg]


NOTE: You must download Origin to your computer to get the game.

Wish I played games on the pc Never really got into battle field but I would for free!
Private message me with Questions, Comments, or Concerns.
Haha, same here!
Wish I had a faster PC and faster internet currently get highs of 1mb
[Image: ytq04gN.png] 

Have any questions, suggestions or fancy a chat message me or AIM me at WWExNXT
Yea this is awesome!
I agree; Battlefield 3 is one of my favorite games, but it sucks because I don't have a computer mouse to play it.
I have it, its a great game and I own BF4 as well. My only problem is I sold my gaming rig 3 months before I knew I was going to be getting a divorce. And now I have a Dell Insprion 660 with a GTX 470. It's no where near as good as my gaming rig was and it struggles to play the Battlefield Games. So I have been playing BF4 on my PS4 instead.

wish I would snagged it :(
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