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Favorite mobile browser?
What browser do you prefer to use on your smart phone? Which is your favorite mobile browser? The native one that comes with the OS, or another one downloaded from the App Store?
I use Chrome on all of my devices
[Image: ytq04gN.png] 

Have any questions, suggestions or fancy a chat message me or AIM me at WWExNXT
I was using the default one on my windows phone.
Private message me with Questions, Comments, or Concerns.
Chrome if no app is made for the site
I use Firefox on my Android phone. It's great, fast, and I use it on my desktop as well. I prefer having common stuff for all my devices. It didn't come pre-installed on my phone. I had to download it from the Play Store.
I am using an Android tablet, so my browser is Google Chrome. So far, it hasn't failed me. I have Mozilla and Opera though as back-up browsers.
Expecto Patronum!
I have Opera Mini. I like it because i got used to it and page load is pretty fast.
I generally use the default Apple one - Safari. I don't want to take up extra space on a different browser that I don't really need. Anyway, I do most of my browsing on my PC, so I don't need a high quality browser on my phone.
I use Mercury on my iPhone. I don't remember why I first downloaded it, but I've been using it so much that I've just gotten used to it.
I just use the default Safari. Are the others any better? I didn't really think that there would be that much difference for a mobile browser, really.
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