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What time do you sleep?
What time do you usually sleep? I go to bed around 1AM.
I sleep from about 1 am til 530 am
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I usually sleep around 10:30 or 11:30. I believe in sleeping early and rising very early. I think it helps me to be very energetic and fresh when I rise early in the morning. I tend to sleep early as it helps me to get a good sleep without any problem. However, this is not the same case when I sleep late at night during occasional times.
I try to get to sleep around 11-12 pm wake up about 7-8
I usually go to sleep around 12-1 am and wake up at like 5-6 and go to school, I get very little sleep.
I sleep at around 6 to 7 AM and then wake up at around 2 - 3 PM :)
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It varies but I generally fall asleep early and wake up quite early - A good estimate for sleep is somewhere between 7-9 p.m. It seems our dog thinks she's an alarm clock and has decided that 5:00 a.m is the time we should rise each morn' - Happy Snoozin'
I usually go to sleep at 1-2 am when I don't have to wake up early the next day. If i have to wake up early the next day for school, work or something else then I usually go to sleep at 12 am. When I can sleep as long as I want, then I usually sleep to 10 or 11 am, it depends how tired I was the day before.
It depends. I have a toddler, so sleep is entirely around her schedule. I'm usually up around 5-5:30 every day, though. Mostly, it bed around 10 with broken sleep throughout the night.
It varies, as unfortunately I have insomnia and sleep issues. I used to be able to stay up pretty late and be fine, but now I need my sleep! Haha. I usually go to bed around 9 or 10, but then I tend to wake up around 5ish and drift in and out until I finally get up around 7:30.
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