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Live somwhere else
If you would get a chance to move somewhere away from your home(to another country, region, maybe even a planet) without needing to invest in it yourself, where would you choose to move?
I'd like to move to Alaska, or Colorado!
Private message me with Questions, Comments, or Concerns.
I'd would love to move to a different planet and that would be Saturn!
Looks so awesome :P
I would live on my own island! Fully equipped of course.
I would prefer to go to France. I always wishe3d to be there. It would be so awesome to live in a such a beautiful country.
I have a friend that runs Earth Rose Farm, a sustainable farm in Costa Rica (search for an Introduction on YouTrube,) who recently suggested we sell all our earthly possessions and come build a house on the farm; Of course, all of the above is more difficult than it sounds, still it would be a nice dream and most likely the place I/we would move to provided a choice. And, if not there, Boston or Providence...
New Zealand is gorgeous. But really I'd just love to live somewhere that isn't so expensive as where I'm living now. Somewhere that preferably has mountains as well.
I'm not sure exactly where I'd go yet, but America is becoming increasingly unstable. Our rights are being challenged, it's becoming more violent. Somehow, racism is getting worse, just when it was starting to get better. I don't want my child to grow up in a country where she can't date or be friends with who she wants without fear of being physically attacked. That's not America.
Well, I recently moved to Thailand because why the hell not. Plan on staying here for a year, and after that I'm gonna go live in Vietnam.

The only thing that can keep you from travelling the world is your fear of the unknown. If you want to go to another country just sell your stuff, pack your bags and fly/drive/hitchhike/cycle to wherever you want to go. Get a job and live until you get bored of the place again. Rinse and repeat.
Colorado for legalized weed.
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