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Parallel Universe
Do you believe there is an alternate reality and a parallel one to what we are living out right now? That there is another version of us and that we can sometimes feel and see through their eyes?
I'm not questioning the existence of other universe, how ever I do not feel like they is one with another version of each person, maybe similar, humans, but exact copies well who knows...
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Wow, what an interesting concept. While I have often thought there may very well be an alternate Universe, I never thought of our seeing through their eyes. Although, now that you mention it, it does seem highly possible.

If so, I am curious if we can tune into the energy of the parallel universe, with or without intention. It seems to be that it is more likely there was an alternate reality before our existence in which many legends and myths were handed down over time.

Also, as I do not believe we are alone in the Universe, I also believe there be both aliens and humans working together in that alternate universe, if not, here at home.
The Universe is way to vast for us to be the only plant with life, Maybe one day we'll make our selfs worthy of the aliens presence.
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Nope. Not unless evidence is provided for it.
Discussion Time - A forum dedicated to free speech.
I believe they are already among us. In fact, I'm not sure we are not one of their creations, along with other species. What if, God, were an Alien, and the Other Side or Heaven is in fact an alternate Universe where we go when we die only to be reborn in that world?
I've always thought about being reborn in a different world after death, makes you wonder.
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(09-07-2014, 03:08 PM)Skyspirit Wrote: Wow, what an interesting concept. While I have often thought there may very well be an alternate Universe, I never thought of our seeing through their eyes. Although, now that you mention it, it does seem highly possible.

If so, I am curious if we can tune into the energy of the parallel universe, with or without intention. It seems to be that it is more likely there was an alternate reality before our existence in which many legends and myths were handed down over time.

Also, as I do not believe we are alone in the Universe, I also believe there be both aliens and humans working together in that alternate universe, if not, here at home.

Some can tap into the other Universe or realms. It is all around us, only in another dimension. I sometimes hear things from the other realms, especially when portals have been opened.

In a time when there were less distractions around, like public transport and phones ringing, one could hear and see more as the bonds between the realms was more accessible. The modern day technologies block the ability to see into other realms which is why psychics and shamans like to be in the wilderness, away from interference.
The idea of another universe is very compelling, there are some movies out there that deals with this. I dont know if I believe it myself, but who knows? Its a fascinating subjekt to discuss though. Anyone seen From Beyond? Movie based on a HP Lovecraft story.
Not yet, but putting it on my list now - I love Lovecraft's work. OMG - Had no idea there was a movie. Thank you for the reference and for all your shared insights. U All Rule!!!
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