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Sir Twisted
Anime for beginners?
I absolutely love this thread idea!
Usually when a friend of mine asks me for recommendations on where to begin, I take their personality into account and if they've seen a few series, I can curate a list for them.
Rather than a list for just beginners, I want to make a list that just anyone interested in anime should see while still keeping in mind that these would be a good start.

One Punch Man- This is good to start with because many people who don't watch anime still love this series. It's a good step into the "culture", if you can call it that, as well as just being plain good. I also recommend it because it has all the qualities of a typical shounen without being terribly long like all the other shounen out there(see: Naruto, Bleach, One Piece)

Any or all films made by Studio Ghibli- This is another one of those "Even non-anime fans can enjoy it!" recommendations. Some notable classics are movies like Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away. Studio Ghibli is like Disney mixed with Japan. It's absolutely magical at times and it hits all the right heart strings.

Nichijou- This recommendation is for people who want a taste of just how culturally different humor is in Japan(or just anime) compared to the rest of the world. It is absolutely wacky and sometimes you won't understand jokes or references because they are specifically made for a Japanese audience. Eventually, though, you'll understand what it's all about. I note nichijou in particular instead of any other comedy anime because it has the most basic premise(the title translates to Everyday) and it shows just how far everyday life can be taken.

I have other recommendations that would be good for beginners, however I don't want to over-saturate the list which I feel I already did with nichijou. There are a lot of factors that come into play, such as what you seek as far as entertainment goes, as well as your personality.
So I'll leave it at these three.
Anime I'd recommend for beginners are Bleach, Dragonball GT or Z. Also Fullmetal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist brotherhood. Those are a few good titles most people new to Anime would love.
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