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How to stay safe and secure on the internet
Hello! So as many of you know most of us aren't very secure on the internet haha  Hehe

Anyways, I'll just be telling you a few things that I use to stay secure on the internet!

Step 1) Get a VPN... Don't use free VPN's as they don't work very well, My favorite and most secure and best ones are listed below....

NordVPN -

ExpressVPN -

PureVPN -

You'll need a VPN to mask your IP so hackers cant get your IP and bring down your internet or other things!

Step 2) Get the listed extensions for chrome below! (I shortened them because they're all really long links!)

AdBlock - Blocks all ads on google chrome!

HTTPS Everywhere - Encrypts your browser while on major websites

Privacy Badger - Stops things from tracking your computer like images that have trackers or whatever it may be!

Step 3) Get the listed FireFox extensions! (I shortened the links because they were too long again!)

Privacy Badger for Firefox - Stops things from tracking your computer like images that have trackers or whatever it may be!

AdBlock - Blocks all ads on firefox!

HTTPS Everywhere - Encrypts your browser while on major websites!

Step 4) Never use your real name or address on any mailing service!

This one is a no brainer! Using your real name on email addresses and things of that nature while allow people that want to dox you (Getting your infomation including home address, phone number, name, age)

This includes but isn't limited to gmail, yahoo, basically anything that asks for your name and address or phone number other than PayPal or something very secure!

Step 5) Don't put your infomation out there!

This one everyone should be taught if they don't already know it! Don't go around giving random strangers or hell even people you've known for a while your full name address or phone number! That can lead to very unwanted problems and will likely just make you end up in a hell of a mess!

Thank you! I hope this will allow everyone to become just a little bit more safer while browsing the internet!
And remember kids, religious websites are much more dangerous to visit than porn sites.
So if you swing that way make sure you have your safety nets turned on or you are probably going to get some Jesus inspired malware.
Very cool! Didnt know most of the things listed besides ad blocker
[Image: 4OSgUXa.png]
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