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La Corda D'Oro, my 1st reverse Harem Anime Review!
I just finished an amazing reverse harem anime. First off, I'll start by defining for you "reverseharem". It's when more than 3 guys fall in love with the same girl, a shojo genre I particularly enjoy watching. Today, I just finished watching online the anime : "La Corda D'Oro", or "The golden String" in English, "Oro" meaning "gold" in English and "Corda" is "string." I'd like to review it for you in 7 parts : 1. Plot, 2. Genres, 3. Main Characters, 4. Voice Actors, 5. Dialogue, 6. Music, 7. Overall opinion and final rating.

1. Plot : It resolves around the world of classical music, an intraschool competition involving general education students (non music elite students) and those specializing in classical music. There's no female rival nor evil parents which I liked.

2. Genres : shojo, reverse-harem, drama, a little bit of fantasy (since a fairy named Lili gives the female lead a magical violin anyone can play without learning it." I specifically liked the mix of reverse harem and the tiny aspect of fantasy.

3. Main Characters : There was one creepy guy named Azuma Yukino, who had a darker side to his character, that I didn't like, but i like the always cheerful Hihara. There's no male lead since all of them somewhat fall in love with the female lead. Tsukimori Len, I liked better although cold and arrogant initially, falls deeply in love with the main girl and softens with her. Tsuchiura's the one who always saves the main female lead and has always been in love with her from the beginning. Shimizu Keichi is best described as an alien, because he seems in a perpetual daydream and in a far off land of his own all the time. But he falls in love with the main girl's music or sound. Fuyuumi-chan is cute and shy, always speaking so formally to others whom the female lead considers her a little sister.

4. Voice Actors : Don't know much them, but I'll say that I liked the main female lead's voice and the main male characters' voices too.

5. Dialogue : Very dramatic and bitter, since all the participants see each other as rivals.

6. Music : The opening song is light yet touching song, the ending song very light and happy too. But the creme of the creme was all the participants' performances.

7. Overall Opinion and final Rating : I really enjoyed this anime since it brought back memories for me from when I started pianio and got to a music conservatory. I participated in various international calibre competitions and level exams, so I understand their feelings. It really touched to my very core because I once was as passionately in love with the piano and classical music on a whole as much as the characters in this anime. A 9/10 as a final rating for me. I also much enjoyed the OVa, the Summer special for it where every main male characters got their own moments with the female lead they fell in love with.

So, do you like shojo anime or the reverse-harem genres? And did you know about this classical music anime?
 [Image: Hello-Kitty-45-1.jpg]
Yeah I like it
[Image: CeODU1G.gif]
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