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Despicable me 3 : my 1st Western Family Cartoon Review
So it was Canada's national day today, but I went to see "Despicable me 3" with my mum this afternoon. We dinned out too. Let me review it in 8 parts : 1. Plot. 2. Genres . 3 Major Characters. 4. Voice Actors. 5. Animation. 6. Music. 7. Dialogue. 8. Overall Thoughts and final Rating.

1. Plot : typical good vs evil plot, Gru getting new family. Overused, but I found it entertaining.

2. Genres : Comedy, family, romance, action, sci-fi. I like the continuing romance between Gru and his wife and his relationship with his adopted daughters.

3. Major Characters : The Minions were awesome as well as Gru, his wife, his twin brother and the other villain in the movie.

4. Voice Actors : my most favorite was the Minions' voice actors.

5. Animation : it was pretty good. I loved the weapons' designs and the laser shots.

6. Music : loved the Minion's song in their language.

7. Dialogue : It was hilariously ridiculous!

8. Overall Thoughts and final Rating : I thought it was a pretty good comedy and family movie overall. I enjoyed it thoroughly. An 8/10 for me as a final rating.

Did you see this movie? If yes, please feel free to share your thoughts with me.
 [Image: Hello-Kitty-45-1.jpg]
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