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What do you honestly think of them? I don't give them money when they're begging in the streets, because I think I'm paying enough taxes to pay their welfare and they've got shelters for the homeless built for them. Plus, I also think they only want extra money to spend on luxuries such as cigarettes and etc. And how do I know how they're going to spend the money I gave them? It made me start this thread because today when I went downtown and bought myself a cup of coffee, I passed by one and said a pitiful : "Please." His hand was outstretched to everyone who passed by him. So I wasn't even moved by his pitiful : "Please" because I think I'm giving enough to charities and whatnot and paying enough in taxes for them so that I don't got to give everyone of them who's begging in the streets.
Well, honestly I never gave beggers any money. Not only because I don't have any money left to spend but also because, like you said, I don't know what they are going to do with it. Beside that, they aren't all that bad. There is a man I see daily in the city who lost his wife, childeren and house because he got fired because there were too many employees. He's not doing drugs, he does not smoke and if he gets any money he spends it on healthy food and drinks. He does not even drink alcohol. He also looks very healthy, he's trying so hard to get a job again so he can buy or rent a house soon again.
(03-20-2016, 12:08 PM)Unrecognized Wrote: [ -> ]Well, honestly I never gave beggers any money. Not only because I don't have any money left to spend but also because, like you said, I don't know what they are going to do with it. Beside that, they aren't all that bad. There is a man I see daily in the city who lost his wife, childeren and house because he got fired because there were too many employees. He's not doing drugs, he does not smoke and if he gets any money he spends it on healthy food and drinks. He does not even drink alcohol. He also looks very healthy, he's trying so hard to get a job again so he can buy or rent a house soon again.

Then he can easily get a job again as he's got previous experience.
(03-20-2016, 08:13 PM)Naiwen Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-20-2016, 12:08 PM)Unrecognized Wrote: [ -> ]Well, honestly I never gave beggers any money. Not only because I don't have any money left to spend but also because, like you said, I don't know what they are going to do with it. Beside that, they aren't all that bad. There is a man I see daily in the city who lost his wife, childeren and house because he got fired because there were too many employees. He's not doing drugs, he does not smoke and if he gets any money he spends it on healthy food and drinks. He does not even drink alcohol. He also looks very healthy, he's trying so hard to get a job again so he can buy or rent a house soon again.

Then he can easily get a job again as he's got previous experience.

I'd say to some length yes but then again no because nowadays it aint easy getting a job regardless of experience.
Not only his experience counts, but if you are homeless it will be extra dificult to get a job.
This morning a saw a news item on TV about people won't hire anyone who anyone who is Islamic which is also pretty sad, but then again I don't think companies are going to hire someone who is homeless.
(03-21-2016, 04:45 PM)katos Wrote: [ -> ]True story, I once bought a guy a meal in a pub once, and got him a drink too, and he turned up three days later for an interview at my work. When he got the job, he proceeded to hug me and the boss, and he actually paid me back for the meal and drink I bought him. He worked his arse off for us, and has recently been promoted.

This gives me such a warm feeling when I read this! I've no more words for this.
There are so many beggars in India! It's especially hard because they assume that all the foreigners have lots of money, and igf I have golden hair, I definitely have gold in my pockets as well. I always have difficulties getting rid of them and struggle until some local people help me.
And no, I don't give money. My heart pains when I see miserable little kids with outstratched hands. However, all these kids are just used by the criminals who send them to beg and demand a certain amount of money in the end of the day. If everyone stops giving, this dirty business cease to exist. The more we give, the more babies will be drugged to sleep all day not to disturb their begging "mother".
As for buying food instead of giving money. once I bought a bun for a boy. He returned the bun to the seller and they shared the money :(
It seems cultural differences make this a very difficult and complex situation. Simply put, there is no simple magic remedy to the issue, otherwise there wouldn't be an 'issue'