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Philosophy & Debates


  1. Ghosts? (6 Replies)
  2. Your ideal World? (4 Replies)
  3. Age for dating? (5 Replies)
  4. What do you think is our Purpose on Earth? (2 Replies)
  5. Who's your favourite Philosopher/Thinker of all-Time? (7 Replies)
  6. Long or short Hair? (14 Replies)
  7. Do you enjoy more being single or in a Relationship? (15 Replies)
  8. Swearing in Public? (9 Replies)
  9. Spontaneous or a Planner? (4 Replies)
  10. Are you left-handed or right-handed? (9 Replies)
  11. Einstein’s Relativity applied in Therapy (0 Replies)
  12. A lot more than what meets the eye. (4 Replies)
  13. Do you believe in Aliens? (4 Replies)
  14. Should this be allowed? (9 Replies)
  15. My views on religion (4 Replies)
  16. How Should Society 'Tackle' Domestic Abuse? (3 Replies)
  17. Anglo phones vs Franco phones (2 Replies)
  18. Trump's Supporters? (7 Replies)
  19. Baths or Showers? (5 Replies)
  20. What are your Keys to Happiness? (3 Replies)
  21. Saving or spending? (5 Replies)
  22. USA - School System (3 Replies)
  23. Men vs Women wearing Jewelry and Accessories! (4 Replies)
  24. Comfort vs Fashion? (1 Reply)
  25. Which Country got the best political System? (6 Replies)
  26. Smoking vs vaping! (4 Replies)
  27. Which is the best economical System in your view? (1 Reply)
  28. UK's EU Referendum's Results (1 Reply)
  29. The "Peace and Love" Philosophy! (0 Replies)
  30. Chinese are evil to Tibetans! (0 Replies)
  31. British English vs American English! (5 Replies)
  32. Who do you think'd win the next American presidential Election? (4 Replies)
  33. President (3 Replies)
  34. Beggars? (8 Replies)
  35. Confucianism? (2 Replies)
  36. Aliens? (3 Replies)
  37. Afterlife? (4 Replies)
  38. An Executioners View On Death (3 Replies)