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Full Version: Your ideal World?
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My ideal world would be one without wars, poverty or starvation. I'm also praying for that for everyone on Earth. So a peaceful and harmonious world for us all.
Likewise a world will total freedom of speech, where there are (at least) far fewer wars, and less poverty and starvation. A world with less crime and physical, emotional and psychological abuse as well.
A world where extreme poverty is eradicated, and that is geopolitically stable enough to eliminate all these useless wars. A world where the world leaders finally do solve the entire climate problem. A world where we judge individuals by their actions rather than their group affiliation. And where we take care of those who are worse off than ourselves.
I'd like a world where everyone is treated equally. Anyone can get awesome medical treatment if needed (though I prefer to think everyone would be healthy, I know it's unrealistic). There's no starvation, because everyone has access to food affordably. There's no more war, because people learned to accept their differences. Just things like that.