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Does anyone have the 3DS? I don't but my cousin's got it, and she's liking it. What do you think of it?
I dont have one myself.
Yeah, I've got an original model that I've had for a bit. It's got a pretty good catalogue of games going for it now, though I feel the 3D stuff is just a gimmick and I've had the slider slid to off pretty much the whole time I've owned mine (except from maybe an hour or two when I first got it).
I have a 3DS and I love it.  It allows me to play video games and not be tied down to just one spot.  If I have to wait in line somewhere, I can play games on my 3DS while I'm waiting.
I don't have one, yet, but I have considered getting one because they look really nifty and have a pretty nice game selection.