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I use a laptop for causal things, but for gaming a desktop is always better.

As for the inability to use the touch pad/keyboard, you can always get a mouse and keyboard as I have. :)
A laptop without a doubt, I love my freedom to get up and go. I only ever used a desktop when I did an office job and I hated them.
I don't see why anyone would prefer a laptop for gaming.
I prefer to use a desktop for all my games.
If I was bigger into PC gaming I would defiantly go for a desktop, But general purpose use on my laptop is prefect for now :)
I have an Desktop PC, pure for gaming and editing.
(08-17-2015, 09:29 AM)Continental Wrote: [ -> ]I have an Desktop PC, pure for gaming and editing.
Nice, wanna share some of the specs of your pc?
I definitely prefer laptop! I LOVE that I can move it anywhere. Putting it in my lap makes typing comfortable to me. Playing games with it in my lap is also comfortable to me. Everything I do is much more comfortable with a laptop. I do not have any space for a desktop at all! My TV and PlayStation 3 take up most of the space. I am hopefully getting a PlayStation 4 sometime soon, so definitely no more room. With laptops I can always find places for. I also love that I can take it on the go if I want too. So yes laptop wins for me! Heart
If you are a casual gamer, Laptop.
If you are going for a certain ranking or play actively you should obtain a desktop PC.
Desktop for sure. I have my whole comfy set-up, the big monitor, more room and easier gameplay.
For me the laptop is more for social media and netflix and stuff.
I enjoy my mobility and comfort more than the power of the computer. I just go about everywhere. From my campus, to home, to my boyfriend's, and back. So, I really like the idea that it's so easy to just pick up my laptop and go rather than lug a desktop somewhere else. But, if I had one place to stay in, Desktop would definitely be my answer.
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