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I would choose a desktop because you have more upgrade options. Laptops will let you add RAM and switch out the hard drive, but with a desktop you can input more RAM than you could with a laptop. Also upgrading the CPU and graphics card is easy with a desktop and more complicated on a laptop. It's also a lot easier to open a desktop PC to check for errors then a Laptop. Laptop repair requires more skill.
(12-19-2015, 12:04 AM)jsscjcbs Wrote: [ -> ]I would choose a desktop because you have more upgrade options. Laptops will let you add RAM and switch out the hard drive, but with a desktop you can input more RAM than you could with a laptop. Also upgrading the CPU and graphics card is easy with a desktop and more complicated on a laptop. It's also a lot easier to open a desktop PC to check for errors then a Laptop. Laptop repair requires more skill.

Yea I believe I'm going with a Desktop this time around should be a few months or so.

Going to have to look into a good chair also, something comfortable for hours lol.
I believe that desktop is much better for gaming but if I had enough money to buy the best gaming laptop I would definitely do it. As years go by I start to hate all the cables and spacious characteristics of desktop. I own a laptop and it is not very fast or good in any way but it is enough for me at this time. It is ready to be replaced with something better and I think it would not be a desktop.
Both. I use my laptop for games that don't require as much motor movement, because I can just relax on my bed and wind down while I play a game. For the bigger games, like World of Warcraft, I use my desktop, because not only is it higher powered but its more comfortable to use the keyboard and mouse for the movement and spells and things.
I prefer desktop, for serveral reasons.
1: Upgradable
2: Always more powerful
3: Keyboards and mouses feel better and sound better
4: Liquid Cooling
5: Multiple Screens
I'd say a desktop for sure. Sucks I'm using a ps4.
I use desktop and i always prefer to use a desktop for gaming. Bigger screen + more powerful!
I suppose that, all else being equal, one could get a better performance gaming with the latest PC than with the latest laptop. However, I much prefer a laptop to a desktop in general--for the mobility afforded by a laptop alone! My career necessitates that my PC be mobile, so that I can carry it with me between my home and the office and also take it with me to conferences abroad. Even in my leisure time, I find it convenient to be able to carry my PC into different rooms within my home. Alas, I'm much too poor to warrant two PCs: my laptop and dedicated gaming PC!
For gaming? Absolutely Desktop. Much stronger, much more comfortable and you can customize it easily.
(12-25-2015, 03:09 PM)Blo0dAmit Wrote: [ -> ]For gaming? Absolutely Desktop. Much stronger, much more comfortable and you can customize it easily.

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