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I used to use Facebook all the time, but I've basically quit the scene.
After a while, it just got boring.
Less than an hour a day, sometimes none. I'm not really the type to stalk other people as they don't entertain me and I don't post much because I prefer things to myself. I use facebook for school or work anything personal I use reddit or wordpress.
I use Facebook less than an hour. I usually scroll through there every few hours just to see what family and friends are up to. It's really how I keep up with how my family is doing since we aren't really that close-knit as we ought to be. Plus, there's just too much drama on Facebook.
I don't use it much at all, I only visit it if I absolutely need to talk to someone and there's no other way.
I dislike the whole social media aspect of it, and pretty much only use it to chat.
I check it every day, but there's usually nothing going on. I keep my account only because I find groups very useful for keeping in touch rapidly with a very large number of people, for example my university mates. Other than that, I never use it.
I lurk Facebook all the time but I rarely post anything.
I mostly use it as a way to keep in touch with my mom over private messages since it's a convenient way to send photos.
Other than that I use it to chat with a couple friends who hate texting, and of course I sometimes creep people's profiles who I used to go to school with or whatever haha.
Facebook is my default page for my browser, so I admittedly check it a lot. When I close a page and move on to the next one, that's usually my autopilot choice, haha!
I go to daily when I'm on the internet. I have some very interesting things on my facebook pages. I also market my e-books and print books from & kindle plus I love to go to facebook and visit with relatives, friends & acquaintances!
I check Facebook maybe twice a day, and post like once a week.
I check my facebook every couple of hours. But as far as actually using it to post things, not that often. Maybe once a week.
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