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Full Version: How often you use Facebook?
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Every day.
I hardly ever post anything but I like to see what everyone's up to and there's also
the groups of some parties which I gotta keep an eye on.
I used to check it 10 times a day (even without posting much). It was a great source of news and entertainment for me because of the pages I follow, but that's changed and now my newsfeed is so cluttered I don't even care anymore. I only check it twice a day now. Just because I receive notifications from certain pages and groups I care about, and sometimes use the messenger.
I check it about once a day, without posting anything. I mostly browse the dashboard to amuse myself with the silly stuff my friends post, or to send them free messages when I don't want to use my mobile, eheh. The only useful thing about FB is my university group, where we post announcements, lesson timetables and misc materials so that everyone can access it easily. In fact, I created my facebook account specifically because of that group!
Well, I log in to the website almost daily. It's just one of the websites I feel like I *have* to open everyday no matter what. It's actually rather funny because there's literally nothing going on there. I barely get any notifications (and when I do, it's something completely irrelevant) and I don't get any new messages, wall posts or the like. But I log in into the website daily anyway.
I am one of few in my generation to never have had a Facebook account. I would rather spend time with friends or family in person. Also, I don't care to know what everyone else is up to all of the time, and I don't necessarily want everyone else to know what I am up to all of the time. I like my privacy.
(08-18-2014, 03:36 PM)SaintSinner Wrote: [ -> ]How often do you use Facebook?

I check it at least once a day.  Sometimes more but I'm not too addicted to it.
I hardly ever use Facebook like most people would. Heck, I have a basic phone just to save money till the end of my contract for a month to month discount for a lower cost. Anyway, facebook it seems now is more of an antisocial network than anything else if you ask me. Other than for getting a hold of my aunt since she doesn't have a personal phone, it's irrelevant to me.
I don't spend that much time on Facebook lately. There's a lot of things I read on there that get me down and it's also not that interesting or useful. So I'm not spending much time. I have better things to do.
I check my FB daily ;)
Atleast 10 times or more a day.
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