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Full Version: Do you ever spend money on skins?
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When talking about CS:GO you have to mention the weapon skins as they're not easy to miss ingame. However when I actually tried to look for these weapon skins in the market I was surprised by the prices and I thought, "People actually pay for these?"

Now, when I first started the game I had no intention whatsoever to pay more than the original price for the game, but now for some reason I find myself compelled to upgrade how my weapons look lol. I feel inferior somehow. I've yet to spend anything on cases or keys or weapon skins, but I'm afraid one day I won't be able to contain myself anymore.

Anyhow, have you spent money on these before? What did you buy?
(10-15-2015, 09:19 PM)Rexcorn Wrote: [ -> ]When talking about CS:GO you have to mention the weapon skins as they're not easy to miss ingame. However when I actually tried to look for these weapon skins in the market I was surprised by the prices and I thought, "People actually pay for these?"

Now, when I first started the game I had no intention whatsoever to pay more than the original price for the game, but now for some reason I find myself compelled to upgrade how my weapons look lol. I feel inferior somehow. I've yet to spend anything on cases or keys or weapon skins, but I'm afraid one day I won't be able to contain myself anymore.

Anyhow, have you spent money on these before? What did you buy?

I've always found it pretty amazing how people will pay money for the stupidest things. No, I don't spend hard earned cash on virtual items (skins or anything else). The whole concept of paying money for virtual goods in a game sounds ridiculous to me. But hey, whatever floats people's boat, I suppose.  :)
(10-16-2015, 06:31 PM)HornedDemoN Wrote: [ -> ]I've always found it pretty amazing how people will pay money for the stupidest things. No, I don't spend hard earned cash on virtual items (skins or anything else). The whole concept of paying money for virtual goods in a game sounds ridiculous to me. But hey, whatever floats people's boat, I suppose.  :)

Yea it's kinda mindblowing isn't it, haha. Oh man the amounts I see people spending over this game. I've seen people spend thousands of dollars over these cases in order to get skins or knives that are worth something and maybe sell them if they can, but it's like gambling so it's not really guaranteed profit in any way. This is also kinda like FIFA's packs. The only difference is that people are gladly paying for cases in CSGO out of their own will, but are forced to pay in FIFA.

It does seem ridiculous but I guess some people place too much value on this game and don't see it going anywhere any time soon, which is probably very true as Valve keeps updating the game periodically and their profits are increasing every single year so they're not likely to release a sequel.
I haven't spent a single cent on CS:GO skins. By the time I had started playing the game, I had gotten out of the spend money for cosmetics habit from playing years of TF2, thankfully.
Yep, not really on skins though.
I thought I'de try my luck at opening around £40 of cases.
Wish I had just bought that AWP instead xD
I've spent thousands of dollar on skins, and I can tell you that it's worth it.
I personally have payed a small amount (probably less than 5$) on skins but mostly get skins, sell them and with that money get ones that I like more than the ones I got from drops and stuff..
Seems weird to pay 300$ for a knife skin haha
Private Skin Changer > Life :3
Yea I have, though I understand why many would think it's ridiculous.

I'm lucky enough to be at a point where I can drop a few dollars for stuff I think is cool - and at the moment I think a pretty new M4a1 is cool. Also, I know if I ever quit playing CSGO or stop caring about skins I can cash out for ~70-80% of my money back with sites like

But yea, a person should never stretch their budget to buy skins, that would be ridiculous and irresponsible.
I've spent about $5 on CS:GO skins. But with trading I've increased the value of my account 40x!
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