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Full Version: The Free Mega Traffic Source, Reddit
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Hello OGF,
I just thought I'd mention Reddit. Now, I am sure man of you have heard of it, but most people don't use it as a traffic resource. Reddit can actually be one of the most useful traffic sources if used correctly.
Are you allowed to advertise there though? How would one go about getting traffic from Reddit?
(01-04-2016, 09:27 PM)Namoh Wrote: [ -> ]Are you allowed to advertise there though? How would one go about getting traffic from Reddit?

1. Yes, just depends on which sub-reddit you advertise on. You just have to sort of do a trial and error thing to find out where, and yes you may get banned from some sub-reddits doing this.
2. Go to the sub-reddit you would like to advertise on(ex. and then click "Submit a New Link"
Now fill in the needed info and post, just don't spam much.
I tried this as well, lets see what happens!
Usually a subreddit will have the rules listed on the sidebar. Just read the rules to see if they allow advertising. I get a great deal of traffic from reddit but I do it in a respectful way to avoid being banned or spamming subbreddits. Lots of different subbreddits for different niches. Reddits a great site to market on, they also offer paid advertising.