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Half a pint of beer.
A bag of Lay's dill pickle crips to fill me up.
I last purchased some food which would be a tin of Pringles.


I'm bought ingredients to make a tiramisu for an alien
A cup of Tim Horton's coffee.
I went into town today looking for a frame for my new vinyl record, however they, didn't have any in stock so I purchased a box of tea bags and some sweets.
There was a new shop that opened, in our Shopping Centre (aka Shopping Mall) and I bought a lot of things there.
The shop is called Daisos and almost everything in that shop is $2.80.

I bought the following items:

3pc Glue Stick
Sticky tape with dispenser
Oil Filter Remover Paper
Oil Absorbing Paper
Kool n Smoothe Gel (2pc)

and I bought myself and my mother a drink there, which I have never heard of until then, it was called F&N Ice Cream Soda and it was actually really nice.
I paid my Internet providers bill.