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Full Version: Last bought?
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Got paid on Friday! Bought a new TV, had to compromise a little but it's good enough, but now I'm really broke!
A Gidget's Beanie Baby from "The secret Life of Pets". Gidget's a cute little fluffy white female dog. I love her facial expression and her eye color.
Destiny for the Xbox One including DLC time to give it a go.
The last thing I bought was a jug of water.
Samsung tv.
A chocolate.
The last thing I bought was some chips & drinks from theĀ gas station around theĀ corner.
A wildberry iced tea.
(07-30-2016, 10:28 AM)Naiwen Wrote: [ -> ]A wildberry iced tea.

Not a Mulberry iced tea? :(
The last thing I bought was a domain a few hours ago.