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Software you use the most often?
What's the software you use the most on your computer? Be it desktop or laptop. For me, it'd be Pages, the MacOS's default typing software.
 [Image: Hello-Kitty-45-1.jpg]
Slack, Mail (the default OS X Mail app), iTerm 2, Safari, Sublime Text and iA Writer.
[Image: BIf47zQ.gif]
Google Chrome & LibreOffice
I guess... the browser... and the antivirus (because it always runs in the background). Other than those, I use photo and video editing software, such as Photoshop and AVS Video Editor.
I tend to use Google Chrome all the time, I also use Photoshop, Skype, FileZilla and Gyazo.
[Image: CeODU1G.gif]
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