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New Years Resolution?
1 - Get a job [done].
2 - Move to a new place [done]
3 - Find an awesome girl [done and broke up so not done]
4 - Find a new awesome girl [nope]
5 - Cut out a lot of people from your life ~ people that do more damage than good [done]

1 - Get a raise
2 - Read those 2 books I bought this year and forgot to read
3 - Learn Python well
4 - Do the project I kept postponing due to lack of time
5 - Meet an awesome girl
6 - Be with her
7 - Break up
8 - Fall into depression
9 - Fail to suicide
10 - Realize I'm gay
11 - Fuck guys in the ****
12 - Meet a chick that makes me straight again
13 - Repeat from 7 to 13 a few times
14 - Die
15 - Don't do 7-14
[Image: DRPkiTY.gif]
I don't really do the whole resolution thing -- I really just go with the flow of things, but sometimes you do need to admit your faults and improve your overall well-being.


1. Buy a new/dependable vehicle. [Complete]
2. Not go postal on my co-workers. [Sorta complete]
3. Read more. [Incomplete]
4. Eat healthier. [Incomplete]
5. Buy a new computer. [Complete]


1. Drink less pop (in the north we say pop, not soda).
2. Get engaged.
3. Buy a house.
4. Read more.
5. Eat healthier.
6. Gain weight/muscle.
didn't have any for 2016, but for 2017:

> finalize plans and applications for school (goal: end of June 2018)
> finish and publicly release my personal project (goal: end of August 2017)
> get more art commissions (goal: end of December 2017, ideally sometime in summer but I may be busy)
> improve art and writing skills
> exercise more regularly
> continue developing current friendship(s)
> learn to better manage (maybe even get rid of?) wrist and arm pain
> get drivers license
Probably start lifting more weights.  Exercising more, etc..  I'm not that great in shape currently (no I'm not fat), but I really need to start.  

Other than that, spend more time with my family rather than PC's.
Goals for 2017:
 DJ at a party (1000+ people)
Bench 70 kg
Reach 100k followers on Insta
I have a lot of resolutions but I don't wait till new year to start and commit to them.
That being said 2017 will be a year where I try to learn as much as I can from my mentors.
(12-19-2016, 04:33 PM)Gee Wrote: I have a lot of resolutions but I don't wait till new year to start and commit to them.

Of course not, that'd be silly. I think you should always be setting goals and working towards them (there is only 1 thing on my resolutions list that I haven't made progress towards), but it can be good to have an absolute deadline for when you need to start if you have trouble getting motivated otherwise. But yeah of course no one should expected to wait until the new year to start, unless maybe you're hoping to cash in on gym membership deals.
(12-19-2016, 04:51 PM)Gooze Wrote:
(12-19-2016, 04:33 PM)Gee Wrote: I have a lot of resolutions but I don't wait till new year to start and commit to them.

Of course not, that'd be silly. I think you should always be setting goals and working towards them (there is only 1 thing on my resolutions list that I haven't made progress towards), but it can be good to have an absolute deadline for when you need to start if you have trouble getting motivated otherwise. But yeah of course no one should expected to wait until the new year to start, unless maybe you're hoping to cash in on gym membership deals.
Definitely I fully agree, I see you have a good mindset :)
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