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9/11 conspiracies
Do you believe in the original story of the 9/11 terrorist attack or do you believe that it was a conspiracy and you believe in a conspiracy theory about this attack? I for myself believe that it was a conspiracy, because I've seen a lot of evidence pointing toward it. I don't say that this attack didn't happen, I just say that this attack isn't what the government and mainstream media tells us.
I very much think that 9/11 was an inside job. There's so much information out there that contradicts anything the government has told us about it. This goes along with Vietnam. We went over there because the gov. made up a story about boats trying to attack us on the gulf of Tonkin. It turned out to just be shadows on the satellite imagine but they needed an excuse to go to war. They start wars to make money and that's what is important to them.
So much in the situation doesn't add up. It's sad so many people died, and we don't even know the truth behind it.
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I believe the government was involved and call BS on the 'official story'.
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Did you guys here about the blue angels flying low in Baltimore in memory of 9/11, weird way to do it don't you think.
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(09-05-2014, 11:40 AM)jurew2 Wrote: Do you believe in the original story of the 9/11 terrorist attack or do you believe that it was a conspiracy and you believe in a conspiracy theory about this attack? I for myself believe that it was a conspiracy, because I've seen a lot of evidence pointing toward it. I don't say that this attack didn't happen, I just say that this attack isn't what the government and mainstream media tells us.

Yeah, me too. I find the evidence compelling. What happened was a conspiracy. I have been doing research into this some time ago. There was a third building that collapsed.
There are many, many reports, videos discussing this which is all very interesting to read or watch. I myself do not know what to think but I am certain the media and authorites doesn't tell us what really went on and why. So many things doesn't seem right about 9/11.
There's no question about it. Whether you believe it was the government or not, one thing is for sure; the government's official response is definitely not correct. There are so many missing pieces to their puzzle. We need to wake up and think for ourselves for a change.
If anyone believes in the original story, they're brainwashed. My skin crawls when I still hear people say that they were terrorists that did it. And especially coming from people you'd expect to know better, but I guess not.
It could be a conspiracy. I don't doubt it isn't.
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