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Music Festivals
If anyone has been to a music festival , you know there are mass amounts of drugs. I've seen people walking around with signs asking about where to get drugs even with cops walking around! Do you think it's okay for them to allow it at music festivals but not in real life?
I've never been to a music festival but I understand how they work quite well. I'm not sure as to why the cops don't stop it if the cops are inside, but the security and such Normally partners up with a couple of the bigger dealers, and well throw other dealers out, and allow theirs to come in un searched, and un bothered. Simply because they split the money.

Now I've been to a Wiz Concert in Chicago, normally very strict about weed around here I feel like, how ever a few of the performers smoked onstage, and everyone in the crowd smoked, a security guard walked by us while smoking a blunt and nothing was done. I don't think they care to much.
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I went to Bonnaroo in 2009. They have cops on horses that roam around. I guess there making sure things don't get too out of control. There are many drugs there besides weed like mushrooms, acid and LSD. There are people that walk around with signs attached to them that said " Molly, doses, shrooms?" with a big question mark. To me, those people are just saying " Hey copper, come search me!" It's crazy how no one says anything.
I don't think it's okay, but there's not a whole lot they can do about it. One festival I went to they searched people's cars for drugs before letting people in, but people still manage to sneak them in. I've also heard of people dying from that with a mixture of exhaustion from the festival, which is crazy.
Drugs are dangerous and I believe no one wants to get caught so they do things secretly anywhere if drugs are concerned.
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