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What is the most profitable niche?
Let's face it, making money online is hard work. All those people telling you that it's very easy is full of crap. I've been in the industry for a long time and I still don't get it sometimes. One of the things that you should look into when trying to make money online are niches.

For a noob, it would be hard to decide on what niche to enter. There are a lot out there like health and fitness, golf, make money online, online dating, etc. If you would be asked by a noob on what the most profitable niche on the internet is, what would you tell the noob?
Don't go into the "Make Money Online" niche. It's really competitive. You are not going to be earning anything if you try that out. Try something new instead.
Freelance Writing & Editing. I have been working selling articles to the same article management services company for over 7 years. However, recently our workload has drastically reduced. Still, that's a long time to work for any online company or job so I feel gratified in having done so. I am also doing surveys which I believe is the 2nd best way to make money online. Mystery shopping assignments online are good but that takes time offline as well as travel so while some have pay + reimbursements one also has to consider the additional gas and time to do the shops. All in all, I like the music reviews, writing and mystery shops myself. However, as I'm about to be without a car, the latter is something I have put off a bit for the time being as I also live in a rural area. Although, there are often phone shops which can be done for home. is a bulk site for all the Mystery Shop Peeps, check it out and be sure to put in your zip code - Cheers!!!!
I agree that making money online is hard work. There are no short cuts. If it was more people would talk about it.
Just write about whatever you are passionate about. There are sure to be people who share your passion and will find your posts. Don't try to fill a niche if your heart isn't in it.
I'd do something based around free Xbox live or free PSN cards and lock them with a content locker/survey
I'm looking for a few fitness junkies... hit me up if you love working out!
(12-22-2015, 05:17 PM)WhiteG Wrote: I'm looking for a few fitness junkies... hit me up if you love working out!

I'm a fitness junkie myself, hit me up in a PM if you wanna do some work-outs or some shit.
I just recently got into transcription. It's so much more difficult than I thought, but worth it because I have a toddler, so I can't do other jobs, like call centers. I have no one to watch her, so I needed a job where I could have the freedom to get up from the job if she needs me and be able to go back to it when I'm done taking care of her needs. Transcription was a godsend. I just need to get faster and better so I can get more work. If you need to work from home and are the only caretaker of your kids, I recommend transcription...just make sure you aren't a slow typer and that you can memorize a lot of rules while trying to type while someone else is talking.
If you can program there's endless possibilities.
Other than that, the only thing to make good money I've come across is selling stuff. It's not even that hard, just gotta find the right product, not the BS everyone sells. In the past month the stuff I set up with my father sold very well, and it was poorly done. I'm very optimistic about how we'll do next year as we put more time and effort into it.
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