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Ancient Aliens/Hidden Worlds
Are we alone in the Universe? Does other Intelligent life exist above, or, below our human existence? Recently someone suggested that there are no aliens yet cities with underground dwellers.

Recently I took some 12xZoom photographs of two piles of rocks in Southern California. After which, I enlarged each one and abstracted a set of prints from each. What came out has mystified me more than anything before in my lifetime.

Strange but true, pictures of legends and myths of Mt. Shasta, Saints in rafts on a river and an animal resembling Sasquatch with a spacecraft over his head. In another area, ancient symbols and writings appear on what appears to be huge boulders. While, I am currently trying to put together an art show based on the legends, myths and pictures, I would really like to know if others have had similar experiences. If so, I would love to hear your stories if you are willing to share. Thank you.
It is statistically impossible for us to be the only lifeforms of our kind in the universe.
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I agree, sadly I feel we well never be able to personally visit these places in our lifetime, we may see pictures and be discovered though.
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I think it is possible that 'others' live among us. In Iceland there are elves with their own villages and most of Europe and the US has fairy lands.
With regard to other life forms, it is possible and it is in in their own interests to remain anonymous. Perhaps they have adapted or they observe and live out where no one can find them. I believe they are around us, just in another dimension.
If I had one wish, it would be to know the answer to that. Of course I would love to know what all of the other lifeforms are like, but I would just love to know the definitive answer.
(09-16-2014, 01:14 AM)js85 Wrote: If I had one wish, it would be to know the answer to that. Of course I would love to know what all of the other lifeforms are like, but I would just love to know the definitive answer.

What do you mean by definitive? Scientific proof or maybe a personal experience? Science to me doesn't prove things as people still debunk theories. What is definitive as more things are challenged.

Say another species was made known to you and became friends like E.T. would you tell anyone? But you would know. Perhaps there are those who do know and are protecting them for that reason?
I'm a full believe of life on another planet, I mean humans aren't the smartest features in this world
I think it's possible that we aren't the only ones living in this universe. I haven't experienced anything to prove it though. But just with the many planets there are, and many more undiscovered ones, how can I discredit the theory that there may be other life forms out there? It is scary and exciting at the same time to think about this.
Thinking that we're alone in the universe strikes me as arrogant, and I don't understand why some people are so bent on claiming that we're the only living creatures anywhere. Existence is so enormous that we couldn't possibly hope to ever see it all within the short span of humanity's life cycle. True, we may never encounter another intelligent species before we go extinct - hopefully not any time soon - but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

I'm hoping the discovery of running water on Mars will lead to further discovery of life as well, even if it's just microbes. That's proof enough to me that life does not require Earth-like conditions to exist.
I believe that there are other life forms on different planets. I don't think that they are coming to Earth any time soon. I'm not saying that they do or don't have an interest in us, but to be honest, most other planets can't support Earth life, so how can Earth support other forms of life? They also probably look very different than us, due to the fact that human bodies are created in such a way to support the different organ functions, which other beings may not even have.
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